My Personal Learning Style

Last week in English we filled out a learning style quiz. The quiz would show us if we are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learners. When I looked at the results after and found out that I was a visual and kinesthetic learner I was confused than even more confused because I was told that I was an auditory learner but that is not what the test said. Once Mrs.Thompson started to explain what each of them I found out that I have fit both of them but at different times. For example, at home, I might be a visual learner because I would rather emphasize what I see and not fully what I hear.

L’Etonnante Concierge

Cette semaine, en français, nous avons répondu à un livre. Voici le mien.

Dans ce livre, L’Étonnante Concierge, de Dominique Demers, est un livre fou qui vous fera rire. La première chose qui est arrivée, c’est que mademoiselle Charlotte était concierge. Elle essayait de faire son travail mais quelqu’un a joué et lui a parlé d’un nouveau méga centre. Elle est donc allée faire son travail, mais elle a trouvé trois petites canailles. Une fois qu’elle a trouvé les enfants, elle s’est aperçue qu’ils avaient des problèmes. Elle les a donc pris sous son aile et a décidé de les cacher pour qu’ils ne se fassent pas prendre. Le seul problème qu’ils avaient était que la fille du patron de Mademoiselle Charlotte essayait de les capturer. Mais à la fin, Mademoiselle Charlotte a fini par leur donner une leçon et n’a pas été prise.


Je pense que je donnerais à ce livre une note de 9/10 parce qu’il n’est pas trop long et qu’il est significatif. C’est aussi un très bon niveau de lecture pour les élèves de 7e année. Je le recommande sans hésiter.

סיפור קצר

                                                                                                                                                                             .הנה סיפור קצר שנכתב בעברית

Paragraph Of The Week #6

This week for our paragraph of the week these were the questions we were asked.

With winter just around the corner, does it bring you a sense of excitement with the break approaching or a sense of dread with colder weather? What do you most look forward to in winter or what do you wish you could most avoid? Why?


Personally, I love winter because the winter is the hockey season where the ice freezes on pods, and the adrenalin in my body just starts to pump and pump and then boom a hockey tournament yay!! Now the things that I am most looking forward to are playing hockey tournaments, going skating on the pond with my friends,  and playing hockey with my team. On the break, I am looking forward to hopefully skating outside on an O.D.R. So to answer this question, I LOVE WINTER

Paragraph of the week #5

     I am going to start by saying thank you to my mom and my dad for everything you gave. I know that if you guys were not here I wouldn’t be here today so thank you. I would also like to say thank you for acknowledging me in tons of extra curricular activities such as hockey, football, etc. I want you guys to know that I feel a lot of gratitude for both of you guys. So thank you, xoxo…

Paragraph #4

This weeks question for a paragraph of the week is

How do you keep yourself in high spirits in the midst of difficult times? Is there a particular person you talk to for inspiration? A song that motivates you? A walk in nature? What about this particular person or activity helps lift your spirits?

Paragraph #4

When I am sad or angry my friends keep me held high. And when they have their head low I help them. When I play sports it gives me a drive and sometimes that helps. A song that gives me motivation is the Face-Off by Dwayne The Rock Johnson. Hockey helps me because when I play with my friends and they’re happy it makes me happy.


Paragraph Of The Week#3

In this paragraph o the week the question was what do you do that makes you the happiest? Why do you think this provides you with happiness? 

This is what I wrote.

         There are a lot of things that make me happy but one of the things that make me the happiest is hanging out with my friends. I love hanging out with my friends because they help me when I can’t be helped by my family. For example, when I’m really nervous my friends can help me. I also love playing sports because sports make me happy. When I play sports I feel the adrenaline passing through my veins. I also love being under pressure for example in hockey tournaments when we are in the semi-finals and the game is tied 3-3 that makes me play better and when I score that goal it feels like the world is complete. That’s what makes me happy.

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